Connecting churches with one another and with their communities through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Bridge Fellowship Book Discussions
The Bridge Fellowship team invites you to participate in one or more book discussion groups. Each one of these provides an opportunity to learn and grow together. Leaders will send more details and zoom links to those who sign up. Would you consider being involved in one of these? Please sign up by Friday, November 15. Book: Gaining by Losing Leader: Kelly Fath When: beginning in November, the 3rd …
Bridging Youth on Mission
What would it look like if your church had the opportunity to send teens on a mission trip and your church did not have to do any of the pre-trip scouting or set up? What if your teens could connect with teens around the state and serve our risen Savior together? Big church, small church, city church, rural church all in one location serving the Lord together. This is the …
Bridge Conference: Selah … a time to pause and reflect
Selah … a time to pause and reflect! Our 2024 Annual Conference is returning to the beautiful Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference Center in Norton Shores. It will again provide a time away for pastors and their families while meeting for fellowship, challenge, and encouragement. The keynote sessions will focus on various Psalms that call us to pause and reflect during the various seasons of our lives. And our breakout sessions …
Halfway Through A Residency Program
My name is Joel Opificius and I have the privilege to serve as a Pastoral Resident at West Cannon Baptist Church. I am currently a Master of Divinity student in the current cohort at Faith Bible Seminary, preparing for full time pastoral ministry as I receive experience in shepherding, leading, and teaching in the local church. I am thankful for the education I have received thus far at Faith Bible …
Abuse Prevention Seminar
Guest article by Dave Rodgers. HELP! No, I am not writing this to plead for your help. This article is my desire to offer help that churches and ministries discipling children and/or teens need in this day and age. ECAP (Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention) will be at Trinity Baptist Church (Grand Rapids) on March 1 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. While it is sad that a ministry like ECAP …

Church News
Bridging Youth on Mission
What would it look like if your church had the opportunity to send teens on a mission trip and your church did not have …
Bridge Conference: Selah … a time to pause and reflect
Selah … a time to pause and reflect! Our 2024 Annual Conference is returning to the beautiful Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference Center in Norton …
Ministry Opportunity (Grand Rapids)
DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S AND WOMEN’S MINISTRIES OVERVIEW Trinity Baptist Church of Grand Rapids is seeking a full-time Director of Children’s & Women’s Ministries. Our …
Called to be our Shepherd
September 10, 2023, marked a momentous occasion for West Cannon Baptist Church of Belmont, MI. For the first time in 43 years, the church …
Forward in Faith
First Baptist Church of Rochester, Michigan, celebrated their building project ground-breaking on April 2nd. The project consists of a new 8500 square foot children’s …

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Belmont, MI 49306-9089
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Connecting churches with one another and with their communities through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Church News