Bridging Youth on Mission
What would it look like if your church had the opportunity to send teens on a mission trip and your church did not have to do any of the pre-trip scouting or set up? What if your teens could connect with teens around the state and serve our risen Savior together? Big church, small church, city church, rural church all in one location serving the Lord together. This is the dream. As someone who has …
Bridge Conference: Selah … a time to pause and reflect
Selah … a time to pause and reflect! Our 2024 Annual Conference is returning to the beautiful Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference Center in Norton Shores. It will again provide a time away for pastors and their families while meeting for fellowship, challenge, and encouragement. The keynote sessions will focus on various Psalms that call us to pause and reflect during the various seasons of our lives. And our breakout sessions will help us all to …
Ministry Opportunity (Grand Rapids)
DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S AND WOMEN’S MINISTRIES OVERVIEW Trinity Baptist Church of Grand Rapids is seeking a full-time Director of Children’s & Women’s Ministries. Our average weekly attendance is approximately 400-500. We have a strong expository preaching and teaching ministry that has brought many families to the church. We are now seeking to complement with a strong Children's & Women’s ministry director. RESPONSIBILITIES Children Ministries Strengthen existing Children ministries as a means of discipleship for our …
Called to be our Shepherd
September 10, 2023, marked a momentous occasion for West Cannon Baptist Church of Belmont, MI. For the first time in 43 years, the church publicly installed a new Lead Teaching Pastor, Zachary Horn. “It is Zach’s gifts and his character that qualify him to be our pastor” said the former Lead Teaching Pastor, Doug Crawford, in his challenge to the congregation. The celebration was a mix of emotion as Pastor Doug symbolically and literally handed …
Forward in Faith
First Baptist Church of Rochester, Michigan, celebrated their building project ground-breaking on April 2nd. The project consists of a new 8500 square foot children’s classroom wing, a major expansion and renovation of their lobby, renovation of their worship center and additional parking for their 50+ year old campus. “Today we are standing on the shoulders of those who went forward in faith in the past, and now it’s our turn”, Senior Pastor Mark Cizauskas said …
BUILD23 Men’s Conference
February 10-11, 2023 Speaker: Dr. Daniel Davey Christians believe the gospel, proclaim the gospel, and defend the gospel. But do we LIVE the gospel? Romans 1-11 answers the question: ‘What is the gospel?"‘ But Romans 12-15 answers the question: ‘What does it look like to be TRANSFORMED by the gospel?’ Dr. Daniel Davey will take us through the life-altering implications of gospel transformation to reveal what it looks like to be men who pursue hard …
Jack & Nancy Dowden honored by Emmanuel Baptist Church in Flint
Flint, Michigan – Jack Dowden retired from Emmanuel Baptist Church, where he has served as pastor to seniors since 1995. The church honored Jack and his wife, Nancy, Oct. 2. The congregation celebrated the ministry of “a man who has meant so much to us for so long,” says Pastor John Scally. MARBC Ministry Director Ken Floyd and Pastor John Scally shared messages that reflected on the Biblical model of pastoral character and faithful longevity. …
5760 Cannonsburg Rd NE
Belmont, MI 49306-9089
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