Bridge Fellowship Book Discussions
The Bridge Fellowship team invites you to participate in one or more book discussion groups. Each one of these provides an opportunity to learn and grow together. Leaders will send more details and zoom links to those who sign up. Would you consider being involved in one of these? Please sign up by Friday, November 15. Book: Gaining by Losing Leader: Kelly Fath When: beginning in November, the 3rd …
Bridging Youth on Mission
What would it look like if your church had the opportunity to send teens on a mission trip and your church did not have to do any of the pre-trip scouting or set up? What if your teens could connect with teens around the state and serve our risen Savior together? Big church, small church, city church, rural church all in one location serving the Lord together. This is the …
Bridge Conference: Selah … a time to pause and reflect
Selah … a time to pause and reflect! Our 2024 Annual Conference is returning to the beautiful Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference Center in Norton Shores. It will again provide a time away for pastors and their families while meeting for fellowship, challenge, and encouragement. The keynote sessions will focus on various Psalms that call us to pause and reflect during the various seasons of our lives. And our breakout sessions …
Halfway Through A Residency Program
My name is Joel Opificius and I have the privilege to serve as a Pastoral Resident at West Cannon Baptist Church. I am currently a Master of Divinity student in the current cohort at Faith Bible Seminary, preparing for full time pastoral ministry as I receive experience in shepherding, leading, and teaching in the local church. I am thankful for the education I have received thus far at Faith Bible …
Abuse Prevention Seminar
Guest article by Dave Rodgers. HELP! No, I am not writing this to plead for your help. This article is my desire to offer help that churches and ministries discipling children and/or teens need in this day and age. ECAP (Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention) will be at Trinity Baptist Church (Grand Rapids) on March 1 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. While it is sad that a ministry like ECAP …
Renew Conference Recap
From October 16-18, 2023, over 180 pastors, elders, church members, and children gathered in Muskegon for three days of refreshment and renewal. This annual conference of the Bridge Fellowship of Michigan took place at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference Center, a location that perfectly served the purposes of this year’s gathering. The theme of the conference was Renew, and that focus was developed through the three main sessions. Doug Crawford, …
Remote Access to Renew Conference
While we'd love to have you join us in-person for this year's Renew Conference from Bridge Fellowship, we also understand that might not be possible for everyone. For this reason, we're pleased to offer remote access to the conference so you'll be able to enjoy live and on-demand video and downloads of slides and handouts as they're made available by our conference speakers and facilitators. Please click this link to …
Renew Conference Schedule
View, print and download the updated schedule for this year's Bridge Fellowship Renew Conference at Maranatha Bible & Conference Center. (More information) Please click here for details about joining this year's conference remotely.
100 years of God’s faithfulness
Guest blog by Caleb Jackson. On June 16th, 1923, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in the small town of Dollar Bay, a group of 11 Swedish speaking, Finnish immigrants joined hands and committed to one another and to the Lord that, “Should He tarry, that they would hold fast, and live their lives to His glory.” One hundred years ago, together with witnesses from Calvary Baptist Church in Negaunee, …
Why Are Many Churches Having a Hard Time Finding Their Next Pastor?
Guest blog by Ross Shannon. Local churches have never found it easy to identify, interview, and call a new pastor. God must clearly direct, every time. But it is getting harder. At least it seems that way to me. My perception is that more churches are looking for a pastor than normal and more churches are looking than pastors are available. Why might this be the case? A Challenge Is …
RENEW :: 2023 Annual Conference – Registration Closed
Bridge Fellowship will host its annual RENEW Conference from October 16-18 at the Maranatha Bible & Missionary Conference Center in Norton Shores, MI. We believe this year's conference is a very important one for our fellowship and we are designing it to be as attractive and affordable as possible in order to have the maximum number of our churches and pastors participating. Beautiful Lake Michigan location with onsite meals included, …
Forgiveness: The Right Perspective
Churches are filled with sinners saved by grace. So, in order for a church to remain healthy, the people must know how (and be willing) to ask for and grant forgiveness. If the people of a church don’t know how to reconcile with one another, even a small conflict can turn into massive bitterness. The division that results from these unresolved conflicts prevents the church from doing what it exists …
Pastors on Point
Pastoring can be a grind … so reserve Tuesday, June 6, 2023, for some encouragement! Pastor Kelly Fath, from West Cannon Baptist Church, will be our speaker. Kelly has served as the pastor of adult ministries and missions at West Cannon in Belmont since January 2022. Previously, he served as a missionary and regional director for 19 years with ABWE in Central & Eastern Europe, following a vocational change from law …
Pastoral Fellowship
My name is Kevin Moses, and I am privileged to serve as the Director of Pastoral Fellowship for our state association. God has been so kind to use pastoral friendships in my life to encourage and shape me over the past 20+ years. The desire of our Pastoral Fellowship team is to create and strengthen relationships among Michigan churches and their leaders. I have served as the Associate Pastor of …
Don’t Be A Lone Ranger
The show first aired in Detroit in 1933. In the years that followed, the Lone Ranger became a cultural icon through radio, television, and movies. But what is good for entertainment is not always good for ministry. We all experience the temptation to minister alone. We can even think of our isolation and loneliness as a badge of honor that proves our courage and diligence. But the truth is the …
Church Health
Hello, and welcome to the new Bridge Fellowship website! My name is Andy Molyneux and I am the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Mt. Pleasant. I also have the privilege of serving you as our fellowship's Director of Church Health. By God's grace, I have been in the ministry for over fifteen years and have now served in the great state of Michigan since the summer of 2018. …
Book Study: Revitalize
We would like to invite you to join together with other pastors across the Bridge Fellowship for a monthly book study on the topic of church revitalization. Our book will be Andrew Davis' Revitalize: Biblical Keys to Helping Your Church Come Alive Again. Here is a description from the bookstore website: Church health is measured by more than just numbers, but declining membership is often a key symptom of a …
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Belmont, MI 49306-9089
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